About Us
Dr. Marina Mchitarian-Lazaridou was born in Alaverdi, Armenia to Greek mother and Armenian father, Nina Lazaridou and Hakob Mkhitaryan. She received her PhD in Mathematics&Computer Modelling in 1993 from Yerevan Physics Institute. In 1994-95 she conducted a research at the University of Ghent (Belgium) on archeometallurgy. In 1995-97 she did postdoctoral studies at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) on archeology.
Dr. Mchitarian-Lazaridou started amateur photography in 2007, and has had seven exhibition-presentations (Yerevan, New York, Shushi, London). Her first exhibition dedicated to Hellenes of Armenia in loving memory of her Greek mother was held at the Greek Embassy in Armenia. Her second exhibition was again dedicated to Greeks of Armenia and held at the Greek Consulate of New York, USA in 2011. The third exhibition ’’My Heart is in the Highlands’’ was dedicated to Armenia and Artsakh, and was held in Shushi, Artsakh in 2013. The fourth exhibition ''Inspired by Armenia'' opened at Yeghishe Charents House-Museum, Yerevan. In 2015 when the Armenians marked the Armenian Genocide Centennial, Dr. Mchitarian's exhibit was opened at Yeghishe Charents House-Museum in Yerevan. The documentary photography project was dedicated to the three genocides: Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian. In February 2017 the presentation ''Hellenes of Armenia: Return to Roots'' was held at the Hellenic Cultural Center in London, UK. In the the online exhibit ''Photography and Peace'' she continues to consider national issues in the international context.
Being the grandchild of the 1915 Armenian Genocide survivor, Dr. Mchitarian-Lazaridou keeps memories from the childhood when her grandfather was telling his story of survival.
''1915....a 8-year old boy from Mush finds refuge in Armenia with a group of other orphans... The ancestral mountains inspire consolation (’’mkhitarutun’’ in Armenian)....Such was the blessing bestowed upon the family of Mkhitaryans....''
The photo collage. At the right: the grave stone of the 1915 Armenian Genocide survivor Levon Mkhitaryan, Alaverdy, Armenia.