Homepage > Events Calendar > Hak, Kashatagh, Artsakh: the photo exhibit dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial. May 9, 2015
Hak, Kashatagh, Artsakh: the photo exhibit dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial. May 9, 2015

Hak was a very populated Armenian village up until the massacres of 1905. The village was first mentioned in XIII century. At the end of 1905 696 Armenians lived in the village. During four full days August 19-22 1905, mobs of outsiders and locals killed 696 Armenian residents and 42 were taken hostages. At the time the Armenians expressed that "God will not leave our blood unretaliated." Their properties were plundered and their houses set aflames. In 1921 the Soviets placed the city in Azerbaijan.