An old photo: a story of the Armenian family

Marine Salakhyan-Shushanyan Family, Van, Western Armenia, 1910.
From the family archive of Ofelya Shushanyan, Yerevan-Armenia.
From the left to the right:
The old lady from the left is Katarine Salakhyan, the mother of Mihran, Yervand, Nane, Armenuhi, Marine. Her husband Hakob was killed by Turks.
Next to Katarine there is her eldest sister Nane. She had two children.. Marine, Katarine's daughter, is next to Nane. She had three sons: Mushegh, Azat and Armen. She died in 1965.
Next to Marine is her sister Armenuhi. She had three children. She died in 1974.
Between two ladies Nane and Marine there is Marine's son - Mushegh Shushanyan. He was born in Van in 1906. He was 9 year old when his family found refuge in Armenia. Mushegh was a father of seven children. He died in 1978.
The first young man from the left is Mihran Salakyan who was born in Van and died in the Sardarabat Battle in 1918. He wasn't married.
The second young man from the left is Yervand Salakyan. His wife Haikush is the first young lady from the left. Yervand killed 4 Tuurks and received a life sentence. However thank his friends he escaped. They had two children Mihran and Knar. In 1915 Haikush with the children moved to Marseille, France. In 1923 she died. After escaping Yervand joined the family in Marseille. After the wife's death he with the children moved to Armenia. Yervand was a very educated person, knew seven languages. In 1937 he was arrested.
Next to Yervand there is Nane's daughter.
Our heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Ofelya Shushanyan for these notes and the family archival photo.
Marine Salakhyan-Shushanyan was a wife of the Armenian Genocide survivor Reverend Fr. Khoren Shushanyan (1872-1956).
The obituary was published in the journal Etchmiadzin (1956). Here is the full text in Armenian. He served in the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin (Armenia) for 1940-1956.