The Family Relic
Vardan David Davtyan (1890-1944) (born in Bats village, Sasun province, Western Armenia)
His grandchild Hakob Davtyan (Yerevan) published the book of his grandfather's recollections.

The Armenian Genocide survivor Vardan Davtyan and his second wife Mushkinaz Harikyan.
May - 2015....The private house in the area of Yerevan called Ttastan. I was hosted by the lovely family,
Vardan Davtyan's descendants. They shared the extended family archival photos, the exile and survival story of their ancestors.
The family showed the woven by the grandmother carpet and rug.

As a family relic, they keep their gradfather's national dress (1912).

Vardan, the son of the Armenian Genocide survivor Vardan Davtyan's grandchild Hakob Davtyan, knows about
his family story and traditions (on the photo Vardan is the first from the right).

The family editing of the grandfather's memoires.

The carpet woven by the grandmother in 1934.

They feel the warmness of Mushkinaz Davtyan's hands who wove the carpet. She was the Armenian Genocide survivor as well.
During the Armenian Genocide Mushkinaz lost her first husband and her child. Varddan Davtyan was her second husband.
While waving the carpet, she was reminding her story of survival. The carpet colors are vivid, they reflect love of Armenians to life.

The Davtyan's extended family tree.

Misak and Sedrak Harikian, the brothers of Mushkinaz (the photo is from Hakob Davtyan's book). The lady is Mariam Harikian, Misak's wife. The photograph is dated to 1954.
The Davtyan's family is looking for their relatives Harikians. As far as they knows, the descendants of Misak and Sedrak Harikian live in Salt Lake city, Utah, USA.
If any relevant information, please write to Dr. Marina Mkhitaryan: marinamkhitar@mail.ru