Remembering is a noble and necessary act. The call of memory, the call to memory, reaches us from the very dawn of history. No commandment figures so frequently, so insistently, in the Bible. It is incumbent upon us to remember the good we have received, and the evil we have suffered.
Elie Wiesel
Nobel lecture "Hope, Despair, Memory'', December 11, 1986

Khosrov Frangyan, the Armenian Genocide Survivor, @Marina Mkhitaryan
Faith was leading the survivors to Hope.
Memory is the window through which we view history from those who have lived it. Perhaps we can say that memory is the soul of history, for the survivors of these historic events can also give us an insight into what they felt and dreamed and hoped for, and how they pieced together their shattered lives. Without their memory we might be completely at the mercy of the fabricators of our own history.
-Thea Halo, Soul of History

The representative of the Greek Community of Armenia is a participant of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration event (The Armenian Genocide Memorial, Yerevan, 2015). @Marina Mkhitaryan

The Assyrian Genocide Remembrance Day, August 07, 2015. The Assyrian Genocide Memorial, Yerevan.
We have to teach our children keeping memory.
Being of Greek origin, I decided to reflect on the Greek Genocide. Every year, on the 19th of May, members of the Greek Community of Armenia visit Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial to commemorate the Pontian Greek Genocide victims.
Assyrians are introduced in the photo project under the title ''Proud to be a Christian''. I photographed children being baptized in the Assyrian church, and Palm Sunday. In Armenia I found one descendant of an Assyrian Genocide survivor. The family provided a voice record of the exile story of their grandmother. Through family photos, documentary photography, narratives, and archival materials, a more complete picture of the genocide appears. The aim of the photo project is to have a comprehensive photographic database with portraits of survivors, their descendants, shared narratives, and archival photos. At present, more than thirty-five people shared ‘dear to their heart’ stories about their ancestors who survived the horrors of 1915. My heartfelt thanks go to Dr. Virginia Davies (New York, USA) for funding the documentary photography research.
The photo project presents three Genocides as a single photographic project.
Will memory of all three lead to prevention of future genocides—everywhere?
And will descendants go from memory to renewal? >>
Dr. Marina Mkhitaryan, April-2015